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selectmen's minutes 6/14/05
Selectmen’s Meeting  Minutes
June 14, 2005

Present:        Rebecca Coletta (late), Mark Gallivan, Jesse McSweeney and James Egan. (Christopher Colclough absent).  Also present Executive Secretary Michael Finglas and Executive Assistant Meredith Marini.

7:30 p.m.       Chairman Gallivan called the meeting to order, lead the Pledge Alliegence and read the announcements

Item I          Executive Secretary Report   - Mr. Finglas reported that he signed Payroll warrant 51 in the amount of $95,598.72, Expense warrant in the amount of $241,366.56, Expense warrant 51A in the amount of $16,253.57 and Expense warrant 51B in the amount of $15,880.25.  Mr. Finglas reminded the Board that there will be a tour of the new high school on Saturday, June 25th.  The old school will be closed on  June 30th and the move to the new school will start on July 1st.  He discussed that affirmative results of the override election to fund the school budget on Saturday, June 11th indicating that no cuts will be made in general government.

Item II Committee Report – Police Station Building – Chairman Gallivan reported that the committee met with the abutters and reviewed the time table for construction.  The committee is reviewing the requirements for a project manager and a clerk of the works.  They will be drafting an RFP for the project manager services.  The committee will be meeting every other week after June 29th.  Mr. Finglas recommended the Committee set up a procedure for paying invoices during the construction project.   

Item III        Building Inspector InterviewsThe Board conducted interviews for the Building Inspector’s position.  The first candidate Paul Piepora did not show up.

Robert Kirby – Chairman Gallivan explained the interview process.  Mr. Kirby gave a brief personal history indicating that he has worked in Seekonk for ten years where he handles zoning and deals with complaints.  Mr. Gallivan inquired what Mr. Kirby feels the general responsibilities are between the building inspector and the other departments.  Mr. Kirby indicated that he should attend Zoning meetings when necessary.  He has a good working relationship with the fire department and health department.  He feels departments need to work together on all levels.  Mr. McSweeney asked how the various Boards interact.  Mr. Kirby said he would meet with the Board of Selectmen on issues not involving zoning, he would attend Zoning meetings as needed.  He would be accessible to all boards and committees as well as the general public. He enforces code in black and white.  He always follows the code.  Mr. Egan inquired about the “black and white” comment.  Mr. Kirby explained that while there are several gray areas, he will always refer to the building codes for guidance. Chairman Gallivan inquired about court appearance.  Mr. Kirby indicated that he generally has three or four cases that result in court proceedings.  

7:50 p.m.       Mrs. Coletta arrived but did not join the Board members at the table until after Mr. Kirby finished his interview.

Mr. McSweeney inquired whether the current salary would be sufficient.  Mr. Kirby indicated that he would need at least $55,000.00. Mr. Finglas asked why the Town should hire him over the other candidates. Mr. Kirby felt he has the most experience in zoning.  He has all his certifications and would be willing to move to town.  Mr. Kirby inquired about office procedures as he set up an efficient system in Seekonk.  The Board thanked him for his time.

John Undzis     -  Chairman Gallivan reviewed the interview process.  Mr. Undzis informed the Board that he is currently working in Hanover and has worked under the supervision of Dave Bonney.  He does a lot of sign enforcement.  Chairman Gallivan asked if he has his Commissioners certificate.  Mr. Undzis said he would take the exam in 30 days.  Chairman Gallivan asked why he is interested in Hanson. Mr. Undzis likes the proximity to his home.  He worked in the Town during his youth and knows the area.  Mrs. Coletta inquired as to the responsibilities to other departments.  He feels all the Boards should review businesses before new tenants move into the building.  He works closely with Conservation.  He feels all the Boards should interact and have a good working relationship particularly with the Board of Health.  Mr. Egan inquired about “gray areas” of enforcement.  Mr. Undzis would refer to the Code.  He indicated that residents can appeal his decision to the Zoning Board. He has not gone to court on any of his decisions.  He has no court experience. Mr. McSweeney inquired about his salary needs.  Mr. Undzis would need at least $48,500.  Mr. Undzis pointed out a few  deficiencies in the office which he would correct.  Mr. Finglas asked why the Town should hire him over the other candidates.  Mr. Undzis explained that he is aggressive in zoning and he will take the time to straighten out violations.  Mr. Gallivan thanked Mr. Undzis for coming and indicated that Board should have a decision next week.

The Board discussed the candidates and salary needs.  After lengthy discussion, the Board requested Mr. Finglas prepare options for increasing the salary line.

Item III        Appointments – Annual Reappointments – The Board reviewed the annual appointments list and discussed reducing the number of members on the Cable T.V. Committee as a new ten year license was recently signed and many of the current members are on the Board of Director of the newly created Community Access Committee.

MOTION by Egan, second by McSweeney to approve all the reappointments as printed exclusive of the Cable T.V. Committee.  Voted 4 – 0.
Item IV New Business – Chairman Gallivan requested that Personnel Evaluation Process and Non-union Personnel Grade Program be placed on the agenda for discussion.  He requested that the Executive Secretary prepare an evaluation process and tool for the Board’s review.  The Board discussed how the evaluations should be conducted and concluded that the evaluations should be performed by the Executive Secretary.  The Board discussed the pay classifications for non-union personnel.  Mr. Finglas indicated that the classification should accommodate for merit based increases.  The classification would have be to changed through a by-law.  Mr. Finglas will put together a plan for the Board’s review.

Board meeting times – The Board discussed setting a curfew for the meetings to avoid meetings going too late into the evening.  Mr. McSweeney feels that it is difficult for the Board to make good decision at such a late hour.  

MOTION by McSweeney, second for discussion by Coletta to set an ending time for the meeting at 10:30 p.m.

Mr. Egan pointed out that if a discussion is on going after 10:30 p.m., it should be completed. He recommended no new items be addressed after 10:30 p.m.

MOTION by Coletta, second by McSweeney to amend the original motion that no new agenda items will be taken up after 10:30 p.m. without a vote of the Board.  Voted 4 – 0

Voted on the original motion as amended – Voted 4 – 0.

Item V          Executive SessionChairman Gallivan indicated that the Board would be going into Executive Session under Item #3 to discuss strategies regarding contract negotiations with union and non-union personnel.  

MOTION by  Egan, second by McSweeney to go into Executive Session under Item #3.  Roll Call – Coletta aye, Gallivan aye, McSweeney aye and Egan aye.  Voted 4 – 0.

9:20 p.m.       Brief Recess

10:40 p.m.      Returned to Open Session.

MOTION by  McSweeney, second by Egan to adjourn.  Voted 4 – 0
        10:41 p.m.  Meeting Adjourned